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Farm of the Future – Future Fuels Event


Future Fuels Event - hydrogen in farming 


Thursday 31st October 14:00 - 19:00

Askham Bryan College, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3FR

This event is a chance to hear from leading experts about the potential for gas fuels including hydrogen (H2) to replace fossil fuels on UK farms.

There will be the opportunity to see some of the exciting technology and powertrains that are being developed to enable farmers to produce and use gas fuels on farm. 

There will be two speaker sessions looking at future farm fuels, with speakers from NGN, JCB, H2 Boost and Energy Oasis, which will cover the transition to alternative fuels and the future role of hydrogen on farms. 

Join us to find out how gas fuels can be a viable, 100% renewable energy alternative to diesel and other fossil fuels. 

There will also be the opportunity to visit the Biolectric AD plant ahead of the event for those who are interested.

Refreshments and a light supper will be provided.

This is a free event for farmers, co-hosted by Future Farmers of Yorkshire. The project initiated by NGN, is also supported the Yorkshire Agricultural Society (YAS). 

Click here to book your place

Event programme 

13:00 Pre-event visit to Biolectric AD plant

14:00 Arrival and exhibits

15:00 Gas Fuels and the Energy Transition

  • Role of Gas Fuels on Farms - Lucy Hopwood NNFFCC
  • Gas Fuels and Future Powertrains - Alistair Walshaw
  • NGN Project and East Coast H2 - Lewis Kirkwood

16:30 Break - refreshements

17:00 Future Role for Hydrogen on Farms

  • Is there a Place for Hydrogen? - Mike Kaye Energy Oasis
  • Opportunities for H2 Fuels - JCB
  • On farm generation of H2 - Mark Clayton H2 Boost
  • A view from the Farm - Will Raw NFU Energy Project

18:30 Bacon sandwiches & refreshments 


Hydrogen in farming project

British agriculture is under growing pressure to curb emissions. Farmers will have to find alternatives to replace diesel and other fossil energy sources.

Green electricity, biofuels and gas fuels can be produced on farm. While farms will continue to use the internal combustion engine, in future, vehicles will run on gas fuels (biomethane and, in time, blended fuels or hydrogen) as well as battery power.

This project set up by Northern Gas Networks (NGN) and focused on Yorkshire is looking at the ‘systems change’ required for this transition.

At the request of NGN, the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE), with local input from YAS and the project partner Cenex, are assessing the future potential for gas fuels and in time H2 to replace fossil fuels on farms.  

The transition to gas fuels offers potential for on-farm biogas and H2 production and storage, gas use in heating applications such as glasshouses. The transition also needs investment in gas fuel distribution for fuelling novel powertrains in rural use.